Monday, October 19, 2009

How Does Adultery Begin?

Did you know that adulterous, sexual, love affairs begin because people ignore this innate truth – God is interested in where we went? Ok, let me break this down. Jasmie meet me at the Mr Biggs affair does not begin at the Mr. Biggs.

Affairs have three stages. The first stage is the conversation stage. The conversation stage is when you are just talking to someone. “Hi, how are you doing?” “Is Janney in the office?” “Did you finish that project?”

There is nothing wrong with conversing with people, even of the opposite sex. BUT, there is a problem when you begin to have intimate discussions with this person. Intimate discussion includes things that reveal who you are, what you are really thinking deep down inside, where you want to go with your future, how your marriage really works. Those discussions are best between a husband and wife. No one should know you intimately but your spouse. Save yourself from the next stage, keep those discussions for your spouse.

The next stage is the friendship stage. Once you start giving up intimate information about yourself, now you have established that person as a friend. A friend becomes emotionally wrapped in you life. Sometimes you don’t realize that you have jumped from the conversation to the friendship stage. BUT, you know you have when you are inviting the person to lunch at Mr Biggs or any other eateries. You want to experience things like the movies, amusement parks, walks on the boardwalk with this person. You begin to seek out this person for conversation or good company. You genuinely like this person.

Now, if you have fallen into this stage, don’t be alarmed. BUT, stop it now. Back-pedal, it’s ok to back-pedal. Cut this person from your self. Yea, I do mean your self. See the friendship stage is when the person becomes an imprint onto your life. You are thinking about this person waaaay too much. So, cut it clean now – start being unavailable for lunch. Stop looking for that person to have a conversation. Stop constantly thinking about that person. Give that person over to God and stay far away. And, yes, if you must do it cruelly, then so be it. Nothing is more important than honoring God by honoring your spouse.

Now, the final stage is the sexual stage. This is the one everyone associates with adultery. This is two people rolling around in the sheets stage. This is the big one. The having sex with someone other than my spouse stage. I will not talk about what constitutes sex here. But, give me some leeway – it’s sex and all that sex encompasses is what I mean. So, sex is the final stage. The sexual stage can not be reached without proceeding through the other two stages. An affair has an arch. The arch includes the conversation, friendship, and sexual stages. When one who looks at the beginning of the sexual part of their affair, they will notice that they cleared the hurdles of the first two stages. If you happen to find yourself in this stage, get out now!!! Find a good marriage counselor and let God heal your marriage. He can and He wants to do it for you and especially for His reputation.
Enough said there. So, it’s time for us to reflect. Did I please you God this week? And, please forgive me for and save me from where I did wrong my soul. Now, of course it is time for me to try these stages out on my spouse. Here I come honey.
Ponder on this message.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Is My Pregnancy Going Well?

Is The Baby Developing Normally?
The entire process of pregnancy-from conception to birth-takes about nine months, or 40 weeks. The pregnancy is divided into three-month periods known as trimesters.

The First Trimester (Weeks 1 to 13)
The first three months of fetal development are, perhaps, the most important. During the first 60 days, most of the baby's organs form. It is at this stage that the unborn child is most sensitive to environmental chemicals, drugs and viruses that can cause birth defects.
The average fetus is about 3 inches long and weighs about 1 ounce by the end of the first trimester. It is normal for the fetus' head to be disproportionately larger than the rest of its body. Some other important developments during the first trimester include:
--By week 7, it is usually possible to see the developing baby within the womb and detect its heartbeat by ultrasound examinations.
--By week 8, the baby's face and features begin forming.
--The first bone cells form.
--Fingers and toes are growing, along with the beginnings of nails.
--The liver begins making bile (a liquid that helps break down fats in food so they can be absorbed), and the kidneys begin secreting urine into the bladder.
--The circulatory and respiratory systems begin functioning.
--The fetus also begins to move during the first trimester, although the mother won't feel movement until around the fourth month.

The Second Trimester (Weeks 14 to 26)
During this time, the fetus begins to grow and its organs mature. The increasing size of the uterus becomes obvious in the second trimester of pregnancy, as the woman's belly begins to swell. Many women need to start wearing looser or maternity clothes at this time.
In the womb, a protective layer of amniotic fluid begins to surround the growing baby. Other developments in the second trimester include:
--By the end of the second trimester, the baby is about 1 foot long and weighs about 1 pound. If birth occurs at this time, the fetus will attempt to breathe, but survival is unlikely before week 24.
--The baby's genitals are fully formed by week 14. The sex of the child can be determined using ultrasound.
--By weeks 12 to 14, the fetal heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope.
--Hearing is well established by 24 weeks, when the baby begins to respond to outside sounds. The baby can now hear the mother's voice and is likely to recognize it after birth.
--Beginning at 16 weeks, the baby is sensitive to light, and by 28 weeks a baby can open his or her eyes and turn the head.

Need To Know:
By the fourth month, many women feel the first signs of life in their abdomen. The baby starts to kick and move. The amount of movement varies as the pregnancy continues. Babies move more at night and after the mother eats. As long as the mother feels the baby moving vigorously, it is likely in good health. If the movements decrease day by day, the mother should tell her physician.

The Third Trimester (Weeks 27 to 40)
The third trimester begins at the 27th week of pregnancy and lasts until birth. The baby continues to grow and put on weight throughout the last trimester of pregnancy. During the last month, the fetus grows about one-half pound per week.
By the ninth month, the baby usually settles into a position delivery, with the head down and arms and legs pulled up tightly against the chest.
Other developments during the third trimester include:
--By week 28, the baby's eyes are open and a child born at this time can move its limbs and cry weakly. However, the infant will weigh only about two pounds. But because of recent advances in caring for premature babies, 90 percent of babies born at this stage will survive.
--The baby's movements become more frequent and vigorous.
--The baby is considered full-term after 37 weeks from the beginning of the mother's last period.

[Source: The ehealthMD]

Safe Conception For Happy Home

Am I Pregnant?
While a missed period is one of the biggest clues that a woman is pregnant, it's usually not the first sign. Some women suspect they are pregnant before their menstrual cycle is late.
Symptoms that might indicate you are pregnant include:
• Tenderness of the breasts and nipples
• Fatigue (1-6 weeks after conception)
• Frequent urination (6-8 weeks after conception)
• Nausea, queasiness, vomiting (first half of pregnancy)
• Food cravings (entire pregnancy)

When a woman suspects that she is pregnant, she should visit a doctor to confirm her condition as soon as possible.
• Laboratory blood tests can verify pregnancy as soon as 6 or 7 days after conception.
• A urine test may detect pregnancy as early as 10 days after conception.
The blood and urine test both measure the level human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone that is only produced in a woman's body when she has placental tissue growing there. The placenta is the tissue within the uterus (womb) through which the mother provides nourishment to the fetus.

The Importance Of Prenatal Care
One of the most important things you can do for yourself and your baby is to seek proper prenatal care. Prenatal care consists of:
• Regular appointments starting early and continuing throughout the pregnancy
• Laboratory testing for potential problems with the developing baby or yourself
• Monitoring for problems such as abnormal changes in blood pressure, blood chemistry, urine chemistry, and weight
• Getting plenty of exercise and eating properly
• Giving up bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or using street drugs.

It is also important for a woman to alert her doctor immediately if anything unusual occurs during pregnancy, such as:
• The baby's movement is greatly reduced or stops.
• She experiences vaginal bleeding or cramping.
• She develops swelling of her hands and face, or persistent headaches.
• She leaks amniotic fluid from her vagina.
• She develops pain in her abdomen.
Improved technologies and more accurate prenatal tests now make it possible to spot complications earlier and take appropriate action in time to save the fetus and/or the mother.

Things To Avoid During Pregnancy
A woman's habits greatly influence the health of her unborn child. When pregnant, a woman should avoid the following:
Alcohol. Consuming alcohol while pregnant can cause birth defects and other problems. Consistent alcohol use during pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, a permanent and lifelong condition.
Cigarettes. Smoking is linked to low birth weight, premature birth, miscarriage and other complications. Nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict. That means the baby won't get the proper oxygen and nourishment it needs to grow.
Medications. Many over-the-counter (OTC) and prescribed medications can harm an unborn child. Your physician can give you a list of which medications you can take safely during pregnancy.
Narcotics. Illegal drugs, such as cocaine, can deprive developing babies of vital oxygen and nourishment. This can lead to birth defects, or cause addictions in newborns.
Caffeine. Discuss with your doctor how much caffeine, if any, you can have during your pregnancy. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, colas, and other products
Contact with cat feces. A serious disease that can be contracted from cleaning cat litter boxes is toxoplasmosis), which is spread by a microbe that causes lymph-node and nervous-system problems. In pregnant women, this parasite can cause birth defects, stillbirths and miscarriages.

Facts About Pregnancy
•Four in 10 young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20 -- nearly 1 million a year.
•Improved technology has made home pregnancy tests about as accurate as blood tests-nearly 99 percent under perfect conditions.
•Recent research shows that some exercise is healthy during pregnancy.
•To calculate the due date, one can follow a guide called Nägele's rule. This calculates the estimated date by subtracting 3 months from the first day of the last menstrual period and adding 7 days. increased
•Older women have an increased chance of bearing twins.
•10 to 20 percent of pregnant women do not have morning sickness.
•The risk of miscarriage in all pregnancies is around 15 to 30 percent. If the baby is developing normally the risk of miscarriage falls to less than 3 percent.
•The overall risk of delivering a baby with a birth defect is approximately 3 percent.
•The chances of a child dying in the later stages of pregnancy or soon after delivery are less than 1 percent.

[Source: The ehealthMD]

Saturday, May 23, 2009

You Needs More Fiber Nourished foods To stay Healthy

What Is Fiber?

Fiber is a virtually indigestible substance that is found mainly in the outer layers of plants. Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate that passes through the human digestive system virtually unchanged, without being broken down into nutrients. Carbohydrates constitute the main source of energy for all body functions.
Almost everyone hears about the need for enough fiber in the diet. But few people understand the importance of dietary fiber - or where to get it.
Fiber is important because it has an influence on the digestion process from start to finish:

  • Because it demands that food be more thoroughly chewed, fiber slows down the eating process and helps contribute to a feeling of being full, which in turn can help prevent obesity from overeating.
  • Fiber makes food more satisfying, probably because the contents of the stomach are bulkier and stay there longer.
    Fiber slows digestion and absorption so that glucose (sugar) in food enters the bloodstream more slowly, which keeps blood sugar on a more even level.
  • Fiber is broken down in the colon (the main part of the large intestine) by bacteria (a process called fermentation), and the simple organic acids produced by this breakdown helps to nourish the lining of the colon.
  • These acids also provide fuel for the rest of the body, especially the liver, and may have an important role in metabolism.
    Substantial amounts of fiber can be found in foods such as:

  • All-natural cereals
  • Whole-grain breads
  • Beans
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts

    Nice To Know: Only plants produce fiber. No matter how chewy or "tough" animal products may be, they do not contain fiber - not even bones or eggshells.
    There are two main types of fiber, and they have different effects on the body:
    Insoluble fiber is mainly made up of plant cell walls, and it cannot be dissolved in water. It has a good laxative action.
    Soluble fiber is made up of polysaccharides (carbohydrates that contain three or more molecules of simple carbohydrates), and it does dissolve in water. It has a beneficial effect on body chemistry, such as lowering blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  • Nice To Know:
    Dietary fiber is essentially the cell walls of plants. Cell walls provide the architecture or skeleton of a plant and serve several purposes:
    They enclose and package the nutritious parts of the plant, especially the storage organs that are rich in starch, and the parts of the cells that contain sugars, vitamins, and minerals.
    They provide a tough protective armor around the embryo of the future plant.

    Nice To Know:
    The understanding that fiber is good for you is relatively new. Until the 1970s, fiber was regarded, at best, as a nonentity - and at worst, as a hindrance to good nutrition. This attitude stemmed from years of food shortages and widespread under-nutrition, when the aim was "getting the most out of food."
    Today, obesity is the most common form of malnutrition and is a factor in the two major causes of death - heart disease and cancers. So any food that helps people limit calories is desirable.
    It was a naval doctor, T.L. Cleave (1906-83) who sparked the great re-think about fiber. He argued that refined or fiber-depleted carbohydrates are harmful in many ways. He was supported by a surgeon from East Africa, Denis Burkitt, who presented evidence that Western diseases are rare in Africa and other third-world countries where fiber intake is high.
    Facts about fiber

  • Fiber keeps stool soft and keeps the contents of the intestines moving.
  • Americans consume only about 10% of the fiber that they did 100 years ago.
  • A good diet should contain approximately 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day. The average American eats less than half of that.
  • The change in the way wheat was processed into flour at the turn of the century-from a crushing to a finer rolling process - accounts substantially for the depletion in dietary fiber.
  • Bran has the highest fiber content - about 25% to 45%.

  • What Are The Best Sources Of Fiber?
    The following foods are good sources of fiber:

  • Whole grains (bran has the highest fiber content); this includes breads and cereals, whole-grain pastas, and brown rice
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Legumes (such as dried peas, beans, lentils)
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • A dietary supplement of fiber products such as Citrucel or Metamucil, which are mixed with water and provide about 4 to 6 grams of fiber in each 8-ounce glass

  • When foods are processed, fiber is often removed. Foods made from white flour (bleached or unbleached) are poor sources of fiber, including white breads, pizza crusts, and regular pasta. In general, foods that are less processed are higher in fiber.
    Some high-fiber foods - such as some breakfast cereals and convenience foods - are also high in sugar and salt, so take care to read the label before purchase.

    Need To Know:
    Q: Do I have to get my fiber from food? Is taking a fiber supplement enough?
    A: Supplements provide only a very restricted type of fiber. Eating a diet of high-fiber foods usually incorporates various kinds of fiber, and that's healthier. Fruits, vegetables, and oats have plenty of soluble fiber . Whole grains, bran, legumes, and many fruits and vegetables are full of insoluble fiber . Both soluble and insoluble fiber add bulk and softness to the stool. Insoluble fiber remains pretty much unchanged by the time it reaches the intestines, whereas soluble fiber acquires a soft, jelly-like texture. Both make stools easier to pass.

    How Do I Get More Fiber In My Diet?
    A good diet should contain approximately 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day. The average American eats less than half of that.
    Getting more fiber in your diet doesn't have to mean a drastic change. In fact, it's best to start slowly, in order to avoid constipation from getting too much fiber all at once. Many fiber-depleted foods in the diet can be replaced by high-fiber alternatives.
    Fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber include:
  • Apples
  • Beans
  • Berries
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Figs
  • Oranges
  • Pears
  • Peas
  • Prunes
    Here are other good sources of fiber:
  • Bran muffins
  • Brown rice
  • Multi-grain cereals
  • Oatmeal
  • Popcorn
  • Whole-wheat bread

  • Need To Know:
    It's important to drink more fluids when you increase the amount of fiber you eat. You should drink at least eight glasses of water a day, especially when increasing your fiber intake.

    Most everyday low-fiber foods have a higher-fiber alternative:
    Some fiber-depleted foods

  • Corn flakes, crispy rice cereal
  • White bread
  • Croissants
  • Cheese crackers
  • Fruit juice
  • Cakes, biscuits, sweets
  • Puddings
  • Jam
    Fiber-intact alternatives
  • Shredded wheat, puffed wheat
  • Whole-grain bread
  • Whole-grain muffins
  • Wheat crackers
  • Fresh fruit, stewed fruit
  • Dried fruit, nuts, raw carrots, celery
  • Fresh-fruit salad
  • Nut butters (cashew, almond, etc.)
    Studies have shown that a high-fiber diet has widespread health benefits. And unlike many other treatments, fiber in the diet has no danger of adverse reactions, toxicity, or dangerous side effects.

  • How-To Information:
    Here's some advice on incorporating more fiber in your diet:

  • It's best to start slowly, especially if you tend to become constipated. Introduce high-fiber foods gradually, over two to four weeks. Don't start a high-fiber diet overnight!
  • Eat a wide variety of plant foods (foods that come from plants, as opposed to meats or dairy products). Different fibers do different jobs in the body.
  • Choose foods whose fiber content has not been depleted through processing.
  • Read food labels to learn how much fiber is contained in the various foods you eat.
  • Drink plenty of water - at least eight glasses a day.
  • Some medical conditions do not benefit from a high-fiber diet. If you are being treated for a health disorder, check with your doctor before adding fiber to your diet.
  • Raw bran increases the excretion into the stools of calcium, iron, and zinc. For most people eating a good balanced diet, this is of no consequence. But theoretically, it might lead to depletion of these minerals in pregnant and breast-feeding women, and in people with small appetites. Such people should take calcium supplements or extra milk or cheese if they are taking bran regularly.

    How Does The Body Use Fiber?
    Fiber has numerous effects in the large intestine:
  • Fiber is attacked and broken down by the huge population of bacteria that live in the colon.
  • The breakdown products are acids and gases. This process is called fermentation. Dietary fiber is only partly fermented, because some plant cell walls resist bacterial attack.
  • The simple organic acids produced by fermentation are mostly absorbed, and in doing so they nourish the lining of the colon. They also provide fuel for the rest of the body, especially the liver. This may have important consequences for metabolism; half the calories in fiber are made available to the body.
  • The gases arising from fermentation soften and enlarge the stool. They are also passed as wind (flatus) and can contribute to bloated feelings in some people.

    What Are The Health Benefits Of Fiber?

    Fiber is helpful to the body in many ways:

  • Avoiding And Relieving Constipation
    Fiber can absorb large amounts of water in the bowels, and this makes stools softer and easier to pass. Anyone starting a higher-fiber diet will notice the difference in stool bulk.

  • In almost all cases, increasing fiber in the diet will relieve constipation within hours or days.
  • Because stools are easier to pass, less straining is necessary, and this can help relieve hemorrhoids.
    Need To Know:
    Constipation can have other causes, however, so you should consult your doctor if it is not relieved by increased fiber.
    Nice To Know:
    On average, it takes 39 hours in women and 31 hours in men for food to pass through the colon and out of the body. This time varies a lot from person to person, depending on personality, state of mind, and fiber intake. Usually, the effect of fiber is to speed up this process.
    Preventing Certain Diseases
    Getting enough fiber in the diet can lower the risk of developing certain conditions:
  • Heart disease. Evidence is now growing to support the notion that foods containing soluble fiber (such as oats, rye barley, and beans) can have a positive influence on cholesterol, triglycerides, and other particles in the blood that affect the development of heart disease. Some fruits and vegetables (such as citrus fruits and carrots) have been shown to have the same effect.
  • Cancer. The passage of food through the body is speeded up when fiber is eaten. Some experts believe this may prevent harmful substances found in some foods from affecting the colon and may protect against colon cancer. (However, a recent study conducted by Harvard University concluded that eating high-fiber food did not appear to protect people from colon cancer.) Other types of cancer that are linked with overnutrition and may be prevented by a fiber-rich diet include breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer.
  • Diabetes. Adding fiber to the diet helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is important in avoiding diabetes. In addition, some people with diabetes can achieve a significant reduction in their blood sugar levels and may find they can reduce their medication.
  • Diverticular disease. Diverticular disease is a condition in which small pouches, called diverticula, develop in the wall of the colon. In a small percentage of people, these diverticula become inflamed or infected, a condition known as diverticulitis. Diverticular disease can cause pain, diarrhea, constipation, and other problems.
  • Gallstones and kidney stones. Rapid digestion leads to a rapid release of glucose (sugar) into the bloodstream. To cope with this, the body has to release large amounts of insulin into the bloodstream, and this can make a person more likely to develop gallstones and kidney stones (in addition to diabetes and high cholesterol).
    For further information about diverticular disease, go to Diverticular Disease.
    For further information about gallstones, go to Gallstones.
    For further information about kidney stones, go to Kidney Stones.
    Keeping Weight Under Control
    Foods containing plenty of fiber have more bulk than low-fiber foods. If taken in the right form at the right time and at sufficient quantities, fiber can sometimes slow the onset of hunger.
    Nice To Know:
    To help control your weight with fiber:
    Always try to take fiber in the natural form. For example, instead of sprinkling bran over your food, choose foods naturally high in fiber.
    Avoid foods that have been made easier to eat and digest by removal of fiber, especially sugars (including fruit juices).
    Choose foods that satisfy hunger without providing many calories, mainly vegetables and most fruits, which are rich in fiber.
    Need To Know:
    Some individuals claim that fiber alone can cause weight loss without the need to diet. But in fact, the only effective and safe way to lose weight is to:
    Reduce calorie intake to a safe level
    Get enough exercise to burn off excess calories
    However, fiber can be a useful aid in reducing calorie intake.

    Frequently Asked Questions
    Here are some frequently asked questions related to Fiber: Its Importance In Your Diet.
    Q: Exactly how much fiber should I get in my diet?
    A: The American Dietetic Association recommends 20 to 35 grams of fiber each day. Your doctor may also recommend drinking a fiber product such as Citrucel or Metamucil once a day. These products are mixed with water, and each 8-ounce glass provides about 4 to 6 grams of fiber.
    Q: Can fiber really help me lose weight?
    A: In a nutshell, fiber slows things down at the upper end and speeds them up at the lower end (in other words, "slow in, fast out"). It makes the entrance of food more difficult (by demanding that food be chewed), and it makes it easier to pass stools. In between, it makes food more satisfying, probably because the contents of the stomach are bulkier and stay longer. These actions can help you limit calories.
    Q: Recently, when I tried eating more fiber, I had cramps and a bloated feeling. Is this normal?
    A: Many people notice bloating, cramping, or gas when they begin to add more fiber to their diet. Adding fiber gradually to your diet over a period of time can help prevent this. It's important to drink more fluids when you increase the amount of fiber you eat. The recommended amount of water is eight glasses a day.
    Q: I drink lots of fruit juices. Does this count as extra fiber in my diet?
    A: Fruit and vegetable juices usually contain practically no fiber, because the juice has been squeezed out of the plant material and the fiber is left behind. But freezing, drying, and normal cooking do not significantly change the fiber content of most foods. Fresh or cooked vegetables, as well as dried or canned fruit, all add fiber.

  • [Source: The ehealthMD]

    Saturday, May 2, 2009

    Eating Right (Series 1)

    Are you interested in feeling good at all times as well as making healthy food choices?

    If your answer is yes, just take a few minutes out of your precious time to read this article.

    Everyone deserves the right to eat and leave healthy, most people make mistake that to eat healthy is a function of your income. These I disagree, the foods we need to look healthy are in abundant and affordable in the markets. People in the so called villages live more healthier longer life than most people in the cities who needed more of healthier foods due to the environmental conditions (Polluted) of the cities – just because the required foods to give necessary nourishments to the body is right with them are so not exposed to much canned foods that contained refined carbohydrates such pastries, sweetened cereals, soft drinks and other foods high in sugar.

    This article and more to explains how to make healthy food choices, reduce your cholesterol levels if you need to, reduce your stress levels and improve your lifestyle. Considering a vegetarian diet? Unsure whether you're getting enough essential nutrients? Wondering whether you should be taking vitamin and mineral supplements?? You'll find detailed, clear information sorted to help you, family members, friends and relatives live a healthy life by making right choices of foods we eat.

    You may ask why you need to rely on this gathered information. I personally took my time to search through internet, books and asking questions from doctors regarding eating right and stay healthy since I know most of us have little or no time to do these.

    Can anyone ever imagine we can fight diseases with what we eat?

    Many people care less not to know this, but one of the mainly essential things you can do to guard yourself from these diseases is to eat a healthy diet Whether or not you have a family history of any diseases be it diabetes, cancer, heart disease or stroke, whatever you eat and how much of it you eat - can help decrease your risk. As a matter of fact, if you are one of the many people like myself who do not smoke and eating in good health, engage in daily activity in your place of work and home, maintaining a healthy weight – is your best defense against disease.Following a few simple recommendations from the American Cancer Society, which is dedicated to the control of cancer in the population and the individual patient, and the prevention of the disease, can help you eat your way to a healthier weight – and a healthier YOU!

    Eat Healthy Fruits and Vegetables
    Eat at least five serving of vegetables and fruits each day. Does “five” sound like a lot? Serving sizes are actually smaller than you might think! - One medium piece of fruit
    - ¼ cup of dried fruit
    - ½ cup chopped, canned or frozen fruit
    - 6 oz of 100% fruit or vegetable juice
    - ½ cup chopped, canned or frozen vegetables
    - 1 cup of leafy greens

    Focus on fruits and veggies that have the most color. They’re generally the most nutritious. Limit consumption of refined carbohydrates, including pastries, sweetened cereals, soft drinks and other foods high in sugar. .
    Substitute healthier fats for not-so-healthy fats.
    Choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as olive oil, canola oil and peanut oil. Avoid trans fats, found in many margarines and baked goods.
    Limit your intake of saturated fats and cholesterol found in meats and dairy products.
    Select lean cuts of meat (look for “round” or “loin”). Trim excess fat from meats.
    Choose low-fat and fat-free dairy products.
    Choose poultry, fish and beans as alternatives to beef, lamb and pork meat.
    There are still lots to share and benefits from on the types and selections foods we need to eat to stay healthy.
    Be free to leave a comment and recommend for friends, colleagues and relatives on what matter to what we eat.
    You can as well log on for regular update on this topic.

    Till you hear from me.

    Bye for now.